Good agriculture is the agricultural production model made in order to make agricultural production that does not harm the environment, human and animal health, to protect natural resources, to ensure traceability and sustainability in agriculture and food safety.
It is possible to document all products that people can consume in Good Agricultural Practices.
Purposes: Carrying out agricultural production that does not harm the environment, human and animal health Protection of natural resources Traceability and sustainability in agriculture Ensuring food safety
The Good Agricultural Practices Certificate is a certificate issued by the control and certification bodies authorized by the MINISTRY of FOOD, AGRICULTURE and LIVESTOCK.
Scope of Certification: Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Field Crops Cut Flowers and Ornamental Plants Seedlings and Nursery Tea Livestock Aquaculture.
Today, many retailers have started to demand Good Agricultural Practices certificates from the producers they supply products. In the New Market Law, privileges are granted to products with Organic Agriculture and Good Agricultural Practices certificates. Although Good Agricultural Practices is not a necessity, it is a system that increases competitiveness and provides an advantage in marketing. Another advantage is; According to the principles of Good Agricultural Practices, producers can benefit from attractive supports.